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Add Vibrant, Lush Florals to your images in seconds with the new
Botanical & Florals Overlay Packs
Digital Download in your account
Online Video Tutorial Library
Transparent Backgrounds
Works in Photoshop
Hello, I'm Lauren
A professional rock bassist turned internationally award-winning photographer and designer (plus a mother of four spirited young kids).
As a newborn and portait photographer over at Lemon Sky Photography in England, I developed and launched LSP Actions for busy photographers who are savvy enough to know they need to crank up the "WOW factor" of their photography and unleash their creative potential (but refuse to compromise on quality when it comes to their images). These florals overlays have been created with love, dedication and a sprinkle of magic to create the most stunning collection at LSP to date!
I hope you love using these as much as I have loved creating them.

Lauren Bennett Tippins / CEO