Christmas Magic Collection

Video Tutorial Library
Hello, welcome to the video tutorials for the LSP Christmas Magic Photoshop Actions.
These actions have seen an update with new features added to the "Sprinkle Of Magic" Section since the tutorials were recorded. This section has been moved down a level within the actions, so it is easier to access and use for you in your editing flow.
You will now find 2 extra paint-on glow brush actions AND a glowing light up skin brush (great for adding light fall-off onto your subject or areas)
These video tutorials are in English. Happy editing, my talented friend!
Video Tutorial 1:
Please watch this one first if you have never used LSP Actions.
How to install the actions | Overview of the actions | A full edit talking through step-by-step of each section

[Image Credit: Dinky Dots Photography]
Video Tutorial 2:
Editing a bright image step by step
A full edit talking through step-by-step of each section | Adding a magic overlay | Whitening | Skin Editing

[Image Credit: Slinky Photography]
Video Tutorial 3:
Editing the Santa Shot with a dark background
A full edit talking through step-by-step of each section | A little faster than the beginner tutorials | Adding glows and magic | Using Generative Fill and content Aware in the Fix section | Finishing Washes

[Image Credit: Slinky Photography]
Video Tutorial: Photoshop Elements
How to load the actions into Photoshop Elements and edit
Loading the correct actions in | Brush settings | Using the action panel and layers panel | Converting the image to 8 bit for editing | Going through a full start-to-finish Elements edit

[Image Credit: Libby Edwards Photography]
Video Tutorial 5: Batch Editing
Using the BATCH OF COOKIES Workflow Section
How to use the Batch Of Cookies to record your own workflow and batch

[Image Credit: Henrieta Gomes Photography]
Video Tutorial 6: Using the Magic Trail & Glowing Overlays
How to use the Magic Trail and Glowing Overlays
Applying with the action, watch and edit along with me

Video Tutorial 7: Using the Magic Trail & Glowing Overlays
How to use the Magic Trail and Glowing Overlays
Applying the overlays, and darkening for effect

Video Tutorial 8: Lightroom Presets
Using the Christmas Mini Magic Lightroom Presets & Glow Brush
*TIP - slide the Preset bar after application for intensity (new feature)

[Image Credit: Henrieta Gomes Photography]
Video Tutorial 9: How to add the Lightroom Glow Brush
Go to Lightroom > Preferences > Presets > Show all Other Lightroom Presets | Then on the folder click Lightroom: Local Adjustment Presets

[Image Credit: Henrieta Gomes Photography]
Video Tutorial 10: Presets and Brushes into ACR
You can follow the paths below this video to install the brush, you need to go into your folders to copy/paste the brush.

[Image Credit: Henrieta Gomes Photography]
WINDOWS: Users\(user)\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\LocalCorrections
MAC: (user)/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Camera Raw/Local Corrections