Hi friend, I'm Lauren.
Designed by photographers, for photographers: This ISN'T just another set of planning sheets…
As a busy photographer, mom, and business owner, I’m pulled in all directions. Sometimes it's easy to forget small details that go a long way to creating that client-flow experience we want from start to finish.
So I designed these EXACT printables to use with my own client sessions.
When you’re so busy, juggling multiple roles, balancing photography with other commitments and family life, things can slip.
We all need tools that save time and simplify our workflow, allowing us to focus more on the creative aspects of our work… not to mention building our business in the right direction.
Over the years I’ve trimmed the fluff on these workflow planners, and added in anything that has cropped up in my own client sessions. So now you don’t have to spend years creating your own formula, like I did. All the guesswork is done for you here, you only need to follow the leads and fill out the blanks!
With these session organizers in your hand, you’ll never have a mind blank again . This means you can elevate your client workflow, from consultation, to shoot, to blog, in minutes.

Here at Focus Darling, with my amazing business partner Giulia, we’re dedicated to empowering our fellow photographers to build the successful photography business of their dreams. If I can do it, trust me, so can you!